Trust In the Lord

Proverbs 3:5 says it plainly. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not to thy own understanding." God is telling us to trust Him and only Him. Christians must live a life of faith, if we want to please God. "For we walk by faith, not by sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7) Faith is the currency of the Kingdom and it unlocks the door to whatever we ask and beleive God for.
There are times when things look grim, but we must still trust the Lord. There are other times when we might get a bad report, but in spite of the facts, we still have to put our trust in the Lord, because He is faithful to His word. God can't lie. So despite our situations or circumstances, let us continue to look to the Lord as we trust, rely and depend solely on Him.
A big part of trusting God is waiting, something we don't really like to do. During the wait, God is testing, pruning, and preparing us for what He is doing. It is important to fortify our faith during these times by fasting, praying, and worshiping God so we don't get discouraged and lose hope. These are the things that strengthen us and take our mind off of ourselves and place our focus where it belongs: on God.
During the waiting period, we can't afford to get anxious or become distracted. To trust God means to "be still and know that He is God." This is what God requires in order to live victoriously. Make the decision today to put your trust in God, no matter what you are going through. Speak to your situation and inform it by saying, "I trust God." Stand on the word and promises of God until they come to pass. Trust and obey, even when you don't understand. Blessed be the name of the Lord