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Testimonials about Sleeping With The Enemy



"This book shares insights about the aspects of sexual immorality. Specifically, I remember explanations on the demonic forces and spirits operating in sexual addictions. The book discusses how both unbelievers and believers become entangled in sexual sin. Above all, Sleeping With The Enemy is a complete work of truth, no holds barred. It spoke truth and clarity in my own life. This book is a weapon empowered by the Holy Spirit. Sexual sin is destroying many souls and is dividing to new presentations and fronts. Indeed, some in the Body of Christ will not be receptive, but those seeking truth will embrace and use this book."

Min. Orin Autry-Alabama



"Sleeping With the Enemy is a book of healing...deliverance...and is inspirational. Every Christian woman should read this book. Everything is backed up by scripture and is written in layman's terms.,..very understandable. I know this book was inspired by the Holy Spirit. I was inspired from it to do a Mother/Daughter retreat as result of hearing her speak. Thank you!”

Mattie Mobley


One word that describes Janet Taylor’s writing is “captivating.” As I began to read the first segment of the series Sleeping with the Enemy, it mirrored me. I found it to be very intriguing that someone had nearly the same life challenges as my own. This publishing serves as a cleansing agent as well as a ‘wake up’ call to the church. It offers a return to holiness. I applaud Taylor for being a vessel, not ashamed of where God has brought her from. In light of this, many, many women and men who have lingering legacies and hidden sin - who are in the church - can find the delivering power through her testimony and can be made whole."

Apostle Dr. Jacki London, Pillar of Fire Worship Center-New Bern, NC


"I think everyone can benefit from this book. Sleeping With The Enemy is very informative and enlightening because it teaches you things you probably will not get elsewhere. Everyone will be blessed by this book."

Latavia Evans-New York


"I was introduced to the book Sleeping With The Enemy at a time in my life when I needed my wake up call. This book put a mirror in my face and made me see that I had to stop living with the enemy. I was broken, depressed, and felt like I wanted to die. This book gave me hope, inspiration, and courage to stop pretending about my relationship with God."

Fredreka Moffatt-Rock Hill, SC


"I have attended several Sleeping With the Enemy deliverance workshops with Evangelist Taylor. I have also read all four of her SWTE books.  This teaching is eye-opening and is a message straight from God...I have witnessed many who received deliverance from sexual sin in this workshop; therefore, I highly recommend this workshop.  God is using Evang. Taylor mightily, especially in helping others achieve victory over strongholds!"

Elkie Brabble-New Bern, NC


Call to schedule a Sleeping With the Enemy Deliverance workshop  at your church now.

(336) 830-0601


"Sleeping With the Enemy is a life-changing book. It is also a great tool for workshops and evangelism. Motivational...A book for anybody who wants to be delivered. Spirit building."

Pastor Janet Edwards, Kingston, Jamaica


"Sleeping With the Enemy is a great book. It revealed a lot of things to me that I didn't know."

Elder Walter Goolsby-Atlanta, GA


"You must have Evangelist Taylor come to your church or conference to conduct this powerful deliverance workshop. We at 5Fold Ministries have had her to come yearly because of the impact it has had on the lives of our members.  God uses this workshop to minister freedom to His people.  If you want to see your people get delivered and set free, please have a SWTE deliverance workshop in your church.  Call and schedule one now!"

Apostle DeMaurice Ward,  5Fold Ministries- New Bern, NC


Interested in having a SWTE Workshop at your church?

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