Happy Birthday to Me!

Wow! This is the season of celebration. What an exciting time. Today is Dec. 27th, just two days after celebrating Christmas and now I am celebrating my birthday. I have good reason to celebrate because if it had not been for the Lord who was on my side, I wouldn't have made it to see my birthday. God has been so good to me and I got to give Him the praise, glory, and honor that He deserves and is worthy of. Nobody can do me like Jesus. I searched all over and can't find nobody like the Lord. No one can compare.
Birthdays are special, but I'm not concerned about receiving gifts because the greatest gift I have ever received is salavation in Jesus' name. I could be dead, should be dead, and would be dead, but God. Jesus saved me and delivered me. He brought my soul up out of the pit. He spared my life so I could give Him the glory! After celebrating the birth of Jesus, I can continue the celebration because I am saved. I rejoice today in Jesus. Blessed be the name of the Lord God Almighty. Lord you deserve the glory! Daddy I love you.
If you want to join in this celebration, just lift up your voice like a trumpet and begin to praise God with me. Then lift me up in your prayers. The effective fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much. Your prayers go a long way. Thank you in advance for your continued love, support, and heart-felt prayers. Thank you for celebrating my birthday with me.