Jesus, the only Reason for the Season

I 've been observing all the beautiful decorations in various neighborhoods, but I see nothing that depicts the birth of Jesus. There are no manger scenes, no wise men, no stables, no bright stars or any such things. Houses and yards are no longer decorated with scenes of Mary and Joseph or baby Jesus, lying in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes. Instead they have been replaced with Santas, reindeer, and snowmen. Some people no longer wish others a Merry Christmas, but offer a measley merry Xmas. We haver taken the Christ out of Christmas.
Without Christ, there is no Christmas. Had not God the Father, sent His only Son into the world to save us from our sins, we would have nothing to celebrate. Although we don't know the actual birthdate of Jesus, December 25th is the day we've set aside to celebragte the birth of our Savior. Christmas minus Christ equals, nothing, zero, zilch.
For many, this holy holday has become, nothing but a big money spending shopping spree. Business analysts say that Christmas is the biggest consumer event of the year, but they are wrong because Christmas is till about Jesus, who is still the Light of the world. For this reason, Jesus is the only reason for the Christmas season.