Jesus is Coming! God's Promise

Today I had an another unusual, but awesome dream in which I saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky, followed by a torrential downpour. I started running around in the rain, saturating myself in it as I cried and screamed with delight "Jesus is coming!" I repeated this over and over until I finally woke up. When I awoke I knew the meaning of the dream. First, JESUS IS COMING! Second is that the rainbow that I saw is a symbol of God's covenant promise to return for His people. God specifically gave the rainbow to be a visible sign of the promise that He made to never destroy the earth again by water. The rainbow is a reminder of that covenant promise. Unlike man, God cannot lie or break covenant because to do so He would cease from being God and infallible. God alone can be trusted.
In my dream I danced in the rain as tears of joy streamed down my face knowing that Jesus' coming means eternal life with God, and everlasting joy and peace being in the presence of Almighty God forever. I can hardly wait to see the King of kings and the Lord of lords! This world has no hold on me. I am so grateful that God loved me enough to send His Son Jesus to redeem me. (I take this personally.) Those who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb, repented of their sins and received salvation in Jesus' name, should prepare themselves for the most exciting historical event since the birth of Christ: to wit, the return of Jesus Christ. Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming!